
Buying and selling cars
GVT buy and sell cars with good condition and good history. These cars we sell directly to other car dealerships both in Sweden and on export worldwide, sometimes we sell directly to a direct customer.
Buying cars for other dealerships (export business)
We buy cars for other dealerships that they might not be able to buy by themselves. The dealership source a car that they would like to buy, they then send it to us and we inspect the car and if it is in the condition as the buyer expects we buy the car then sells the car to our customer. In this stage, we can also arrange with transport if requested.

We also offer transport services for worldwide car transport and shorter transports within Sweden. We also offer unique last mile transport with car storage.
Detailing and storage
GVT offers high quality detailing including services as polishing, ceramic coating, waxing, interior touchups, minor paintwork touchups and much more.
We also offer car storage, both shortterm and longterm during for example wintertime.

We supply all types of cars
Our team has a wide variety of experiance which makes us able to supply all types of cars from old 50s- american cars to regular Audi A4s to new 992 Porsches.
We can supply any kind of car – rare, old or new.

Do you wish to come in contact with us?
You are welcome to contact us by phone or e-mail – see contact information below.
We strive to always answer e-mails within 1 hour and answer phonecalls immedialetly.

Contact us by phone
Tel: +46 72-506 00 85
Contact us by e-mail